BQX Update- City Announces Proposed Routes
BQX Update- City Announces Proposed Routes
The BQX Project continues to roll through its planning stages as evidence from the report (HYPERLINK) that was just published by the NYC DOT regarding potential several potential routes. This is extremely exciting new for residents of Wallabout as each of the options has a dedicated route that moves right through the center of the neighborhood. Below please see an excerpt from the report that details the streets on which the proposed streetcar would travel.
Based upon this diagram, the BQX will travel either on Park Avenue (under the BQE) or on Flushing Avenue. The report also highlights the importance of providing access to the growing workforce at the Navy Yard, so there is a very high probabily of at least one stop of the BQX taking place within the confines of our neighborhood. This would provide residents with fast connections to the L, F,A,C and a host of other subways.
Based upon the timeline provided, the next status update will be released in early 2017 after the second rounds of community engagement forums have concluded…followed by the beginning of the public approval process. Stay tuned!
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